Re: VR
The Vanishing of Milliseconds: Optimizing the UE4 renderer for Ethan Carter VR - https://medium.com/@TheIneQuation/the-v ... .sxop68z7h
Re: VR
Unreal Engine VR Curriculum - http://layoutvr.com
Re: VR
Tom Looman's Guide to the new VR template - http://www.tomlooman.com/vrtemplate/
Re: VR
Getting Started in VR - Live Training - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afodIcU_vK4
Video description is full of useful links.
Video description is full of useful links.
Re: VR
How to playback stereoscopic video in VR - https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthr ... o-playback
Sam Deiter wrote: With the help of Chris Babcock I was able to get Top Over Bottom video working using the the following shader setup.
You will need to set the UV Coordinates node up with the following values.
UTiling: 0.999
VTiling: 0.5
Very useful bit of info that is unfortunately buried in Epic's forums.Sam Deiter wrote: If the images look revered when viewed then just swap the inputs in the Material and the images will reverse.