[PC] [PS4] [ONE] Wiedźmin 3: Dziki Gon
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 8:03 pm
S. A. Renegade wrote: As if that weren't enough, they went full on baby mode with the alchemy system as well. It's REALLY stupid that you only have to concoct a potion ONCE, and then you just have it forever and it only takes 1 alcohest to replenish your entire library of potions and bombs. Because then what the fuck is the point of gathering all those herbs now? Seriously? There's so many herbs to pick in the game but you only need enough to make a potion one time? What this does is that it turns herbs into yet another pointless junk item that you don't want to waste time picking up. In the previous games ingredient gathering for alchemy was important because you could run out and you needed to have a lot of ingredients to keep replenishing all of your potions. They had value and were worth picking up. Now they're worthless, and besides you can just buy them all at the herbalist anyway with your infinite supply of cash that will never, ever run out.
I'm certain I'll never forget some of these quests.BizzyBum wrote: I could probably ramble here forever praising this game, but I'll try to keep it short. The moment I finished the quest "Bloody Baron" (the second main quest in Act 1), I knew CD Projekt Red created something magical here. That quest alone was probably better than 90% of most video games in their entirety that I have played in my life. Everything I praised in The Witcher 2 at the beginning of this thread was raised tenfold with The Witcher 3. So much time, effort, and love was poured into this game and it oozed everywhere. The game is so massive that it definitely is a little overwhelming at the start, so much so that certain people were turned off and shelved the game. It is definitely one of those games that require time and effort to complete, but the reward you get in return is something that every gamer should experience and I hope people put off by the open world will eventually come back and try it again.
Emphasis added. Now I never understood the criticisms raised against the combat. I'm playing on Death March though, so perhaps difficulty is a factor. The only obvious concern that comes to mind is how often you'll have to open your inventory in the middle of a fight (which is somewhat alleviated as you learn better alchemy formulas). And that there isn't that much variety among one-on-one fights.BizzyBum wrote: Now, for all the praise I give it, does it have faults? Of course it does. The biggest one being the combat. As every Witcher fan puts it: "It's serviceable." I do feel like it's unfair to expect From Software levels of combat, however. Personally, this game is so great that combat could be only activated via voice commands from Kinect and I would still play the game. Others hate it so much that they simply can't play the game. To that I say it's a shame. The combat does get more varied and interesting as you level up and you devote your skill points to either the Signs or Alchemy trees. The DLC also adds new things like Runewords and Mutations to spice things up. Another thing that could have been improved were NPC variations. The more you play the game, the more you will start to encounter the same faces/voices for NPC's which can definitely break the immersion of the game. All important NPC's are unique, however. There is some "fluff" added due to the sheer magnitude of the game like NPC's labeled Peasants who can't be interacted with and many buildings being inaccessible. It's hard to fault CD Projekt Red for this though because if they made every NPC unique with dialogue and had to render every building then this game would have been released in 2020. When it comes down to it, the triumphs of the game far outweigh the downfalls.