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In the Name of Consistency

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 7:50 pm
by christian ... nsistency/
Alex Kierkegaard wrote: I couldn't care less what they decide to call Trusty Bell in Tajikistan, I couldn't care less what they decide to call it in America either. This is a Japanese game and I will call it by its Japanese name until the end of time, just as I plan to keep calling American games by their American names. For a website targeted to an international readership, covering games from across the world with complete disregard for national borders and arbitrarily drawn-up regions, this is the only sensible choice.
Agreed. This is the best approach to take when referring to Japanese games, and as such it will be the position taken by this site.

For more amusing examples of how this plays out in movies, check out this NeoGAF thread: