The Game Rapists

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The Game Rapists

Post by christian » ... -celebrate
Daniel Starkey wrote: There is no book that keeps you from reading the end if you aren't "good enough."
Another oft-repeated phrase. I address it in my upcoming article titled The Game Rapists. Here's an excerpt.
christian wrote: Just look at the contempt the average gamer has for a game that has the audacity to say “stop” and slow you down: Now I know this is a comedian speaking, but he nonetheless puts his finger on a very common conception among the game rapists.

“That’s MY content. I want it.”

In so many words, he expresses the exact same sentiment as expressed by Malcolm in Macbeth. A sentiment that may as well be torn into the flesh of every game rapist there ever was.
But there’s no bottom, none, in my voluptuousness. Your wives, your daughters, your matrons, and your maids could not fill up the cistern of my lust, and my desire all continent impediments would o’erbear that did oppose my will.
Dara then goes on to make wildly ignorant statements like a book would never deny its reader. Or a movie its viewer. But he couldn’t possibly be more wrong. Even music does this! Movies and music, when enjoyed in their ideal settings, couldn't care less whether or not you’re keeping up. You’re simply expected to, and if you’re not, then the art is being wasted on you. Every moment is built upon the last, and if you’re mind blanked during a movement of a symphony, or while reading through a chapter of a novel, or when watching a TV episode, then it’s just as if someone had forcibly snatched the work away from you for all that you’re going to enjoy and understand of it. Go back and try again if you really want to do anything more than float lazily through a daze of images, sounds, and words. If that’s all you really want, you don’t need videogames for that. Narcotics will suffice.

In case it’s not already clear, here’s a perfect illustration of someone being shut down by a book:

Of course, I’m strictly talking about good art here. Or what I like to call “virtuous art”.
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Re: The Game Rapists

Post by christian »

Metaphysical Rebellion, The Rebel
Albert Camus wrote: Objects of enjoyment must also never be allowed to appear as persons. If man is "an absolutely material species of plant," he can only be treated as an object, and as an object for experiment. In Sade’s fortress republic, there are only machines and mechanics.
Sade is the model game rapist. It's fitting that Recap, when writing against one of their antics, uses the word "destripe" to describe it. From "destripar" -- to gut, or disembowel.
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Re: The Game Rapists

Post by christian » ... -indie-dev
Adrian Chmielarz wrote: Gamers want husbands and wives, not flings. When they buy a game, they want to be with it, have it around, cherish it. It just needs to be something gamers can invest themselves into with all their heart.
Ah Adrian, you think too well of them. They don’t want husbands and wives. They want a dungeon slave. A pit animal. One which if it dies too soon under his abuse will leave him frustrated at not being able to satisfy himself upon it.
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Re: The Game Rapists

Post by christian »

Exodus 23:2
Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil;
The great argument in favor of the game rapists is that everyone does it. Everyone plays the games this way. And if you don't, then there's something wrong with you. If they sniff out even the slightest implication of criticism in your speech, they'll be driven into a frenzy and go on the offensive. ... _-_RR107A1
R.J. Rushdoony wrote: I was interested not too long ago in reading a book about the Jivaro Tribe, in the jungles of Brazil near the source of the Amazon. Here is a lowest common denominator people. So degenerate, their minds so numbed by their depravity that they have no ability to count beyond the number three. Filthy all their lives, never bathing. The author Bertrand Flornoy said that there was one Jivaro wife who was a captive woman from another tribe and she liked to bath periodically, and all the other women were filthy, lice ridden, hated and despised her with a passion, because they could not entirely bring her down to their lowest common denominator, they were as low as a people could get, and the principle of the lowest common denominator prevailing amongst them, they resented anything which was an implied criticism of them.

And more recently Doctor Harner, Anthropologist at the University of California in visiting the Jivaro’s, indicated their further flight from life, seeking the lowest common denominator through drugs. And he reported that the Jivaro use drugs extensively, the children start using them at the age of 6. Every day existence is merely the outward manifestation of reality and not reality itself according the Jivaro’s. They believe that the great events of life are profoundly influenced by the things that take place in these drug caused visions. The lowest common denominator is taking them out of life itself.

As our Lord says, speaking as wisdom, ages ago: “All they that hate me love death.” And today progressively we see mankind turning downward, suicidal in its course, having rejected the every word of God, it has rejected life. “For all they that hate me, love death.”

Thus, Christ having opened up for us the great inheritance, he having been worthy, we enter progressively into the glory of that estate as sons of God, citizens of His kingdom, to the degree that resisting Satan’s temptation: “Yea hath God said?” We say with our Lord, when he resisted Satan: “Man shall not live by bread alone, nor by his word, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
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Re: The Game Rapists

Post by christian » ... ngth-value
Ben Kuchera wrote: Being able to argue for or against game length as an indicator of quality is a bit of a privilege when games are so expensive that most players have to look at games in terms of value. You may not get more scotch when you pay for a better bottle, and the quality is certainly there, but it's also important to stop sneering at people who just want to get a bit tipsy at the end of the day and have a limited budget.

I enjoy the discussions of gaming as a serious art form, but it often leaves behind the fact that for many people gaming is a fun hobby that is used to blow off steam and enjoy themselves. ... they have specific needs for how they interact with their hobby.
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Re: The Game Rapists

Post by christian » ... ames-steak
Michael McWhertor wrote:One beloved thing that video games should aspire to, based on 10 years of food-based analogies, is steak.
I.e. a piece of meat.
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Re: The Game Rapists

Post by christian » ... e-scummer/
Graham Smith wrote: My interest in playing games is mostly for the stories I get out of it; anecdotes I can share with friends, write about on here, or simply tell myself out of a sense of comfort.

When I’m playing Football Manager I’m in cahoots with the game to tell myself a story, and I have a particular story in mind I want to tell.
Forcing the game to tell the story you want it to tell. And what if that story happens to be "You are desirable!"?
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Re: The Game Rapists

Post by christian »

On the RTS mob, mentioned here: Ashes of the Singularity

The imagery KaneTiberian uses of pillagers raiding a community is an accurate one. Rape, plunder, then move on. And that's just what they do.

His final note is a chilling one -- they are already here.
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Re: The Game Rapists

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Re: The Game Rapists

Post by christian » ... nt-1855445
Juan Carlo wrote: Generally, I think that playing fewer games in a deeper manner, is better than playing a greater number of games in a cursory and half assed manner.
Is there such a thing as promiscuity in gaming?
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