[PC] [PSVR] [PS5] [VAR] Hitman

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[PC] [PSVR] [PS5] [VAR] Hitman

Post by christian »

HM_The_Complete_First_Season.jpg (1.33 MiB) Viewed 13493 times
Announcement trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yktoernWtw
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Re: [PC] [PS4] [ONE] Hitman

Post by christian »

http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2015/06 ... n-elverdam
Philippa Warr wrote: “There’s a lot of legacy,” says Elverdam of the franchise. “When we looked at a game like Hitman Blood Money we had a very big sandbox game with a lot of freedom and this general promise that all missions are going to be hit missions. You’re a hitman; it’s why you’re there in the first place. That’s something we felt was a good starting point. With Absolution we felt we came quite far in building these living worlds. NPCs in our game are quite advanced. They can talk about a lot of stuff they see – they’re generally very talkative about everything. We wanted to keep that detail even if we went bigger, which in itself is a bit of a challenge.”

He adds that in Absolution the studio felt they had good controls, a good core that they could use. “What we’re basically saying is: imagine if you take the best parts of Absolution and marry them to the best parts of Blood Money. That’s the essence of the game we are building […] Mood-wise or tone-wise it’s a bit more mature and a little more modern. We also talk about Agent 47 being in his absolute prime, hunting these high profile targets. really powerful targets, across the globe. We felt that, looking back, one of the beautiful things is the feeling you can go anywhere. The world is basically 47’s oyster and he’s just waiting for contracts on high profile targets to come in.”
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Re: [PC] [PS4] [ONE] Hitman

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Re: [PC] [PS4] [ONE] Hitman

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It's so great to see studios giving such fine control over how many "training wheels" pop up all over the screen these days, even going so far as to customize how your game will be saved. I think this is the right way to approach difficulty levels in realistic simulation games like this. Hitman also takes it one step further via its many possible assassination methods. The more intricate, the more difficult, but also the more interesting. Engineering an ejection-seat malfunction to dispatch a target was a rare thrill, seeing everything fall into place in just the right way. Really makes a bullet look like a barbarian's tool.
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Re: [PC] [PS4] [ONE] Hitman

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https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/0 ... nt-2133843
Ducce wrote: I really don’t envy I/O Interactives job – There’s something about Hitman reviews and opinions, I can’t really put my finger on it, and neither can the reviewer or the opinion-er, usually.

I understand that there is critique, I really do. Be it mechanics, level sizes, ambience or AI. But it often seems it comes down to either asking for a direct copy of Blood Money or plain out asking I/O for magic.
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Re: [PC] [PS4] [ONE] Hitman

Post by christian »

I finally completed the Sapienza mission, and I was honestly surprised that I could. I'd played it for hours without even once seeing the second target, and after taking care of everything else, finally found her on the third floor of the mansion. I wasn't able to avoid suspicion though, and a bodyguard chased me outside onto the balcony, and opened fire as soon as I started climbing a pipe to the roof to escape. I took a few hits, but did manage to make it onto the roof. But shortly after, I could hear from below, "Man, where'd he go?" And before I knew it, my vision cleared, and I was restored to full health.

This is outrageous. I've been playing for twelve hours already, and I've never once been able to survive a gun fight. As it should be. I'd expect if a bodyguard gets the drop on me, pulling a gun first (which he always will since I'm avoiding killing civilians) he should be able to down me just about instantly. And if not, if I somehow manage to get away, I should be crippled, bleeding, leaving a trail. Similar to a MGS V, or a Deus Ex, or Thief. So that if I'm walking around wounded, in a bloodied outfit, it should raise all sorts of alarms in everyone around me. I shouldn't be able to just casually walk around like no big deal if I'd just been shot up in an encounter that nearly ended my life.

And so, up on the roof, I spotted the balcony of the room the target was in. I dropped down. Looked through the glass door of the balcony, saw the target surrounded by bodyguards, all with their backs to me. One shot with the silenced pistol, and I'm walking away and nobody's the wiser. I got away.

No no no, success is too easy here. Granted, I got zero stars for my effort, and Silent Assassin ratings are really what you should be aiming for, it's just a shame that the game doesn't require you to actually be that good of a hitman.

For example, getting caught on a security camera. Escalation contracts will require you to destroy surveillance evidence within two minutes of being recorded. Why don't the story missions have something like that? If there were, I would not have been able to finish the Sapienza mission so easily.

But that's just one idea. For another, why doesn't getting shot cause me to fall from whatever I'm climbing? Consider the above pipe example. After being shot up like I was, I should have fallen to my doom. 47 is not a superman. Why is it only ever the final bullet that avatars feel?
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Re: [PC] [PS4] [ONE] Hitman

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I also find it strange that the only way to get items from NPCs is to knock them out. Shouldn't there be a way to pickpocket? Maybe there are other ways to get them, and I just haven't found them yet. I'll have to keep playing to find out.
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Re: [PC] [PS4] [ONE] Hitman

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Re: [PC] [PS4] [ONE] Hitman

Post by christian »

http://kotaku.com/body-count-be-damned- ... 1776893689
Riley MacLeod wrote:Leaving levels suavely is the coolest part of Hitman
http://kotaku.com/getting-out-alive-is- ... 1765069321
Riley MacLeod wrote: I escape in the simplest, most badass way of all: walking out the door like nothing’s wrong.
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Re: [PC] [PS4] [ONE] Hitman

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